How to work with Japan realtors when buying brand new condos
Japan real estate practice prevents realtors from charging you a brokerage fee however they still need to be paid for their effort to help you to their fullest.
"We would recommend getting more “adventurous” with higher yielding properties outside of metropolitan areas once a more stable baseline of 60% to 70% of the portfolio is established", says Priti Donnelly of Nippon Tradings International.
There is more than just rent and a deposit to pay when your sign your rental contract in Japan. Brace yourself with our breakdown of upfront fees for apartments in Japan.
Naturally, you inspect the layout and general state of a property at a home viewing. Here are five more points to consider that aren’t as obvious, but influence the value of a unit.
Buying property in Japan is a big undertaking that requires in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market. Here is a guide on how to pick the right players for your team to ensure your purchase is a success.