The Director of Real Estate & Finance at East West Consulting K.K, Brandon has been recruiting in the Tokyo real estate market since 2002, helping global companies succeed in Japan and providing career advice to all sorts of real estate professionals.
Brandon Smith, Director of Real Estate Recruiting at East West Consulting, discusses what companies can do to keep staff who are capable of going out on their own.
Tokyo real estate recruiter Brandon Smith of East West Consulting discusses how pandemic induced employment changes could drive regional residential revitalisation.
With the benefit of hindsight, Brandon Smith, Director of RE Recruiting at East West Consulting, explains the present day, big picture tapestry for real estate hiring and staffing in Japan.
Brandon Smith, Director of RE recruiting at East West Consulting, shines light on how to grow a real estate career in Japan.
Brandon Smith, Director of RE recruiting for East West Consulting shares perspective on property staffing in the new normal.