Gentle, environmentally-friendly cleaning products that do the job just as well as any chemical cleaner.
It may sound dull, but sometimes there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a big cleaning session. In Japanese, this big clean is called o-souji (お掃除), and it’s a common tradition in many homes and workplaces, especially before the New Year.
Next time you go on an o-souji cleaning rampage though, it may be worth thinking about whether the products you’re using are doing more harm than good. There are still plenty of cleaning products out there that rely on petroleum and bleach-based ingredients — which don’t only leave your house smelling like a chemical plant, but are also harmful to the skin and the environment. If you’re looking for some gentler, environmentally-friendly products that do the job as well as any chemical cleaner, the Japanese market has a few excellent options.
Miyoshi is a no-frills branded, additive-free line that covers all the cleaning basics, and has personal soap, and specialised baby soap too. For the more heavy-duty cleaning products, Miyoshi uses baking soda as its active ingredient, meaning that their products are safe for the skin and the environment. Many of the products are eucalyptus-infused, too, which means they also smell pretty great. Most of Miyoshi's products also come in refillable packs so save money and waste in the long run. You can buy most Miyoshi products on Amazon and Rakuten.
Available home products
Yashinomi is a home cleaning range that specialises in products made from coconut oil derivatives, as opposed to more harmful products like petroleum-based ingredients. Most of Yashinomi’s products come in both scented and unscented variations. It’s worth noting too that while palm oil products haven’t had the greatest reputation of late, Yashinomi is actively involved in the conservation and preservation of Borneo’s naturally available palm oil resources. You can order the products online at the site via the Yashinomi website.
Available home products
Happy Elephant was born explicitly from the concerns its founders had with both the rapidly declining health of the Borneo forests, and the heavy reliance we have on petroleum-based cleaners. Happy Elephant’s products all use natural, vegetable-based raw materials and fermentation-heavy cleaning products that decompose easily and quickly.
The company is also part of the Borneo Conservation Trust (BCT), a conservation trust certified by the Government of Malaysia. BCT runs and participates in conservation activities in Sabah, Malaysia on the Island of Borneo, in collaboration with local NPOs and other environmental organisations. You can pick up Happy Elephant products at Amazon, Rakuten, Saraya, and Lohaco.
Available home products
Arau is the ideal brand for those with young families and kids with sensitive skin. All of Arau's products stay away from synthetic perfumes, colorants, and preservatives. They offer a range of products for all your general household needs, but what separates Arau from most is its extensive range of baby-specific items like body and laundry soap specially designed for delicate skin. The company also supports the Save the Children UN aid organization (NGO), so you can feel extra good about your purchase.
Available home products
Pax Naturon was founded in Kanagawa in 1918 and ever since its foundation the company has been researching the benefits of natural fats and oils both as edible products and cleaning products. Products made from natural vegetable oils that are not just good for the environment, but also gentle on the skin and hair. The company also has a line of cosmetics too for those looking for a more environmentally-friendly solution to their current beauty collection. You can buy all of Pax Naturon’s products directly from its online store.
Available home products
Chemical-free soap is Shabondama Soap’s bread and butter. The company was established in 1949, and throughout its evolution, it’s become one of the most outspoken companies when it comes to promoting environmentally-friendly products. Its tagline is “promoting healthy bodies and clean water”. Shabondama Soap offers both cleaning products for the home and soaps for personal use too. You can pick up products directly from the company's online store.
Available home products
Many Japanese drug stores and larger supermarkets also sell foreign brands too. Keep an eye out for Ecover, Frosch, and Method, which are three of the most common names out there.
If you’re in the local drugstore and you can’t find any of the above-mentioned brands, but you still want to steer clear of potentially harmful products, here’s a glossary of what terms to look out for.
Non-toxic 非毒性 hidokusei
All-natural オールナチュラル all nachuraru
Environmentally-friendly 環境に優しい kankyou ni yasashii
Biodegradable 生分解性 seibunkaisei
Additive-free 無添加 mutenka
Hypoallergenic, low-irritative 低刺激性 teishigekisei
Naturally-derived 天然由来 tennen-yurai
Eco-friendly detergent エコ洗剤 eko-senzai
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